Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
Dresden Apartment DD-Rent
DD-Rent Dresden Apartment

About DD-Rent

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Contact / Booking

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How to get in

Disclaimer / ToS


Information according to Article 5 of the TMG
Hauptstr. 15
54657 Gindorf/Germany
                                     (click here for Terms of Service)

Represented by:
Mike Hobba

Telephone: +49 6565 933062
Fax: +49 6565 933127
E-Mail: info@dd-rent.de

Tax exempt according to Article 19 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz
(German Vat law)

Responsible for the contents according to Article 55, para 2 of the RStV:
Mike Hobba
Hauptstr. 15
54657 Gindorf/German

Liability for Contents

The contents of these pages was prepared with the utmost care. We can, however, not accept any liability for correctness, completeness and topicality of the contents. As service provider we are responsible according to Article 7, para 1 of the TMG for our own contents. According to Articles 8 to 10 of the TMG, we as service provider, however, are not responsible for any information transmitted or stored by other parties nor for investigating into circumstances which may point to an illegal act. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in the sense of common law are not affected by this. Liability in this regard, however, is possible only from the point of time at which knowledge was gained of an illegal act. When we receive knowledge of corresponding illegal acts we will immediately remove these contents.

Liability for Links

Our offer contains links to external websites of other parties, on the contents of which we have no influence. Therefore we cannot be held liable for these external contents. The respective offerer or producer of these websites is responsible for the contents of the linked websites. The linked websites were checked for possible illegal content. At the point of time when these websites were linked we could not detect any illegal contents. Without any concrete hints pointing to an illegal act it is not possible for us to permanently check the contents of linked websites. When we receive knowledge of illegal contents we will immediately remove such links.


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Data Protection

For booking our apartment it is necessary to obtain private data (e.g. name, address or e-mail address). These data will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent. We point out that in the internet the transmission of data (e.g. when communicating per e-mail) may not be secure. Complete protection against third parties gaining access to these data is not possible. We hereby explicitly object to third parties using the contact data published in the disclaimer for transmitting advertisement and other information material which was not explicitly requested. The owner of the website explicitly reserves the right to take legal actions against the transmission of advertising material which was not requested, like, e.g., spam-mails.

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Disclaimer by the Disclaimer Generator of Attorney Franziska Hasseboden.